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Mockaitis Law Group LLC 

FAQ: Drug Charges

If you or a loved one faces drug charges, don't hesitate to seek immediate and effective legal representation. I handle drug-related cases in Chicago's West Suburbs and am dedicated to protecting the rights of my clients.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Common Misconceptions About DUIs

Driving under the influence (DUI) is an area of law filled with myths and misunderstandings. These misconceptions can lead to poor decision-making and unnecessary stress for those facing DUI charges.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

This Is My First DWI. What Should I Expect?

Facing a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) conviction in Illinois can have profoundly serious and long-lasting consequences. The severity of these outcomes vary, as they’re influenced by factors like your age, any other criminal offenses on your record, and your level of intoxication at the time of the arrest.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC 

Frequently Asked Questions About DUIs

Driving under the influence (DUI) isn't a minor issue. In Illinois, such an offense can lead to severe consequences like jail time, substantial fines, and suspension of your driving privileges. It's a situation that demands immediate attention and proper legal representation for anyone facing these charges, especially in Chicago's West Suburbs.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Should I Hire an Attorney If I Know I’m Guilty?

Many individuals, when faced with a criminal charge and believing themselves guilty, question the necessity of hiring an attorney. I'm here to tell you that this line of thinking couldn't be more misguided.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Why It’s Worth it to Fight a Traffic Violation

When you're handed a traffic ticket, it can feel like your world is crashing down around you. The stress and worry that accompany this event are often overwhelming. But remember: you do have options, and one of those is to fight the traffic violation if you believe it was unjust or if there's a valid defense.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Mental Health and Criminal Defense

We’ve probably all heard of TV dramas where a jury returns a verdict of “not guilty by reason of insanity,” or the defendant enters a plea of “not guilty by reason of insanity.” According to the Bouvier Law Dictionary, entering such a plea is equivalent to “essentially admitting the defendant committed the act of the offense yet denying responsibility because the defendant lacked the capacity to act with criminal intent at the time.”
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Are There Alternatives to Going to Jail?

If you’ve been charged with a crime, you might be wondering whether you will go to jail. While every case is unique and every judge will work differently, having an attorney on your side can lead to the best outcome possible—and the good news is that there are some alternatives to jail time.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Handling Your Drug Crimes

The war on drugs is everywhere, including here in Illinois. Police and prosecutors are taking a harder and harder stance on these types of crimes, oftentimes investigating for months, collecting evidence and building cases that can make a defendant feel trapped and with few options other than to accept a plea deal.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Understanding DUIs in Illinois

When it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) charges, the sooner you address the situation the better. That’s because police and judges in Illinois take drunk driving incredibly serious. They won’t just slap you on the wrist and send you on your way. You could be facing some serious charges that may only get worse the longer you wait to retain the services of a skilled defense lawyer.
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