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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

What Is a Restrictive Driving Permit?

If you have a DUI conviction, then the court will usually suspend your Illinois license. This means you cannot drive legally. This can be quite detrimental and inconvenient since driving is often an incredibly important part of your life. You have to drive to work, to the store and many other places.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

How Can I Protect My Parents from Elder Financial Abuse?

It can be difficult to see your parents age and decline, mentally as well as physically. You always saw your parents as examples of strength and wisdom. As Illinois residents age, many will develop physical and cognitive conditions that can make them more vulnerable to abuse.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Are You Accused of Violating Your Probation?

Your sentence of probation meant you avoided time in jail. This may have been a relief to you, but it certainly did not mean you were completely off the hook. You may have received probation in return for a plea of guilty, which means you still have a criminal record.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Understanding Title Insurance and Title Reviews

In the last decade since the economy has been recovering from the great recession, many people in Illinois have been buying and selling homes as their personal financial situations also rebound and maybe even improve. While it is not uncommon to buy or sell a home, that does not mean consumers should not take the process seriously.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Can You Buy a Home without A Real Estate Agent?

You would probably not have to have a real estate agent — or an attorney, for that matter — involved when you buy a home in Illinois. However, regardless of whether it is a legal requirement, it is often a practical necessity to engage the services of someone who is familiar with the buying process.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Estate Planning for Blended Families

It is not uncommon for people in Illinois to get married after having been married previously whether the prior marriages ended due to death or divorce. In many of these new marriages, at least one spouse has children from their prior marriage...
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Could You Have a Defense to Your Traffic Ticket?

It’s quite possible, but you won’t know for sure unless you decide to challenge the ticket. Many people dismiss traffic tickets as minor inconveniences, but if you accumulate enough points on your license due to multiple traffic tickets within a certain amount of time, you could find your license suspended.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

What Are the Benefits of Downsizing?

As a homeowner in Illinois, the notion of downsizing may have come up for you before. You may be wondering if the benefits could outweigh any potential downside. There are plenty of benefits to be found in downsizing, some of them related to lifestyle and some related to finances.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

What Is a Rehabilitation Program?

When drivers in Illinois are convicted of driving while under the influence, they’re going to face a number of stark penalties. These penalties can range from jail time to steep fines, may involve you gaining a criminal record, and even the potential loss or suspension of your driver’s license.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Dui Tests Not 100-Percent Accurate

If you are like most people in Illinois you are aware that when a police officer suspects a driver they have pulled over may be impaired by alcohol, they may ask the driver to participate in some tests before making an arrest for drunk driving.
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