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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Estate Planning for Millennials

The millennial generation has turned many concepts that previous generations held onto upside down. While there are several positive things that may come from this, there are times when Illinois millennials could learn from their older counterparts.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Traffic Stop Leads to The Arrest of 2 Local Men

Very rarely do authorities in Oswego happen upon a crime as it is being committed. Rather, it may be in the course of a routine traffic stop or investigating an alleged disturbance that they find evidence supporting extensive criminal activity.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Illinois Mother Pushes for Stronger Drunk Driving Laws

A woman from Illinois lost her son almost a year ago in a Wisconsin car crash. The driver of the vehicle he was riding in allegedly had a blood alcohol level of 0.117. The Illinois woman remains angry that, according to her account, the driver has yet to face any negative consequence, such as prison time or license suspension...
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

What Is Non-Probate Property?

Writing a will in Illinois is a good way to ensure that those responsible for the administration of your property after your death know and understand your wishes. However, you cannot necessarily put everything you own into a will.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Tread Carefully when Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home is an exciting time, but you may be nervous. It is a major purchase, and making a mistake may mean years of struggle or discontent with your decision. If you are wise and taking your time, you are likely looking at a variety of properties and comparing the pros and cons of each.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Remarriage and Estate Planning

If you are one of the many people in Illinois who are preparing to get married for the second or subsequent time, you likely know and appreciate how precious a marriage and family is. In addition to taking vows and sharing a daily life with someone, another way to show your love for a spouse and your other family members is to have plans in place to help them after you die.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

How Can I Avoid Probate Problems as A Business Owner?

If you have a business partner in Illinois, one fear you may have is problems with probate. Probate describes the process by which the courts verify whether or not a will is legitimate. This sounds simple enough, so why does it bother business owners?
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Estate Planning Beyond the Will

At Mockaitis Law, we know that many people in Illinois only think about wills when they hear the phrase “estate planning.” It is true that a will is an important and essential part of an estate plan, but it does not apply to every possible contingency. Because a will does not go into effect until after you die...
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Is Your Estate Plan Meeting Your Goals?

Creating an estate plan is not something you should do casually without serious thought to your goals. Jotting your last will and testament in a notebook is likely to create more confusion and frustration than you anticipate, and it won’t provide much protection for you or your heirs.
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Mockaitis Law Group LLC

Importance of Choosing the Right Trustee for Your Estate

If you are making plans for your future in Illinois, you will need to assign a trustee to your estate. It is important to understand what the role of a trustee is so you can choose the right person for the job. Doing so will ensure he or she meets your wishes and there is no dispute after your passing.
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